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Mount Misery - Melville NY Real Haunt

  • Sweet Hollow Road
  • Melville, NY
Mount Misery is a rocky area which early colonists found near impossible to farm and Native claimed to be cursed. A small mental hospital is said to have been built on the grounds in the early 1900s, but after a patient named Mary escaped she set the building on fire; there was no effort to rebuild, and Mary is alleged to be buried somewhere on the grounds.

A great deal of paranormal activity has been reported at Mount Misery. Visitors have reported visions of ghastly children and of a woman calling for help. Others have smelled foul odors or blood and heard growling when no animals were in sight, and some say they have seen a strange beast with glowing red eyes. Glowing orbs and shadow people have been seen as well, and voices crying out or saying that they are burning have been heard.
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  • 2002 Fire & odd Truck

    I remember back in 2002 I use to go there a lot I was 17 and loved the thrill of anything horror. My friend drove me and 2 other friends one Saturday night, we saw a huge fire burning in the woods and an odd truck kept following us and then we swear it disappeared. Needless to say I’d never go back except 1 time by accident I took a detour and thankfully I wasn’t alone, or I might’ve had an accident in my pants lol. Cool place check it out. My mom went there with my uncle and his girlfriend(professional photographer) back in 2009 and she has photos with countelss orbs that they are impossible to count.

    Posted 7/22/23

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  • Mount Misery

    As a kid, I spent countless hours there riding my BMX bike around in the woods and later as a teen and my 20's driving the road at night due to its seclusion. Never did I experience anything odd or otherworldly. But, there was always something that drew me into going back there time and time again. Oddly, it was in that place where I felt most at peace with myself and I felt "connected" to the surroundings. I no longer live on Long Island, but I plan to return to Mount Misery one day to say "hello".

    Posted 7/7/20

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  • Rotten eggs, foggy windows with no fog

    My two sisters and I got every bored so we decided to see what was the commotion about “sweet hallow road”, so we went and did what everyone says to do. Put your car in Neutral and flash your lights and your car will move forward from a ghost. Little did we know this road was actually a grave yard with all the tragic deaths. We did this under the bridge and all 3 of us instantly smelled rotten eggs and and my sisters started to panic and I wasn’t aware that meant demons and satan or something was near by. I looked into this and apparently we arent the only ones who smelled those eggs. The weirdest part of that was though the smell instantly left all of us when we left and our windows were fogging so much and our car temperature dramatically dropped on a warm summer night.

    Posted 6/30/20

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  • Mount Misery Road

    We drove there one night just for fun... it wasn't. On a perfectly clear night, the minute we turned onto this road, there was a crawling fog covering the ground. I stepped out with my camera to snap a few pictures in complete darkness with no commerial or residential lights to be seen. What I captured was an eerie light orb in the woods. We left quickly with no intention of ever returning.

    Posted 10/12/19

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 10,742
Last edit to this listing: 6/30/2016 (3194 days ago)

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