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F&W Schmitt Farms Haunted Mansion & Nighttime Haunted Maze Reviews

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  • 26 Pinelawn Road
  • Melville, NY
  • 631-271-FARM (3276)
Average Review
Scare Factor
Very Scary
Appropriate For
Everyone over the age of 8
Organization Type
Commercial / For Profit
Listing Categories
Haunted Houses, Haunted Hay Rides, Haunted Mazes / Haunted Corn Mazes, Haunted Trails, Pumpkin Patches, Halloween Festivals & Parades, Scream Parks, Hay Rides (Kid Friendly), Not-So-Scary Haunted Houses (Kid Friendly), Mazes / Corn Mazes (Kid Friendly), Other Events
Review This Haunt
  • Amazing

    This haunted house is the best experience! I love how they changed up the house this year. The asylum room was amazing, they had one girl in the wall! One of the new additions that I noticed was the hillbilly backyard, the actors were amazing. They had one really tall big guy back there carrying an axe, he some how slipped in between our group and scared the girls so bad! Overall had a great time and will be returning next year.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted November 2015

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    5 out of 5 found this review helpful

  • Great show!

    Had to get this in before Halloween was over.... Boy am I glad we went. The haunted house was the best. My friends were definitely very afraid but it takes a lot to scare me. Yet, there were a lot of moments where I genuinely jumped and screamed! I was surprised because I have been in haunted houses before and they did not really scare me. This place on the other hand is great! The effects were really cool too. The strobe lights made rooms very disorienting and people were always lurking in the dark. I could not believe how many characters there was! There were people coming from everywhere. Behind you, in front of you, next to you. And my favorite... clawing across the floor and jumping off the walls in one room. My friend fell to the floor in fear.. We laughed and screamed the whole way through and we will be back next year!!!

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2015

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    4 out of 4 found this review helpful

  • Don't miss it!

    Schmitt's is just one of the best. The attention to detail and the actors who love their jobs make this haunt the best around. There was such improvements to the Experiment this year, and the mansion and corn maze were impressive as always! There is a wait, but it's worth it. Dress warm if it's cold... weekends mean lines! Shout out especially to the asylum section... The girl hanging off the wall was awesome! The sets in the corn maze were great too... They really get into your face there! Haha.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2015

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    6 out of 6 found this review helpful

  • Lost its charm

    So I'm a HUGE haunted house fan and try to go to as many as possible each year. I took my friends here thinking I was going to get the same awesome experience I use to get coming here. To say the least I was under whelmed. The Cornmaze, major disappointment. For a Saturday night, all the actors should be in place and not huddled together texting and talking. I wanted to turn a corner and see someone jump out but it was a blank space in the corn, instead I had 3 guys following us blocking me from walking. They un decorated it. Where did the huts go and tight spaces? Then the Mansion. Thank God it was decent. Asylum room was the best, but some of the good scares were lost. If it wasn't for my friend jumping and screaming for every little thing, I would say It was a total waste. But you guys were better then this and I'm shocked. I love Schmitts but after this year It will take me some good convincing to come back. And I'm not the only one who noticed. Keep building and expanding because as a fan I want to see more. The Experience was ehhh.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2015

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    0 out of 7 found this review helpful

  • Impressed

    We went last night and had a blast! The attention to set detail was great and the props looked so real. The actors did a great job too!! The Haunted House was definitely the best. THe person climbing the wall in the asylum was dope. Only thing..The line was really long so I suggest coming earlier in the night.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2015

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    10 out of 10 found this review helpful

  • Triple Threat Sorta

    So my friend Matthew Dintraney and I went to Schmitts Farm's Haunted Mansion Of Melville Saturday Night. Mansion - I LOVED the Mansion as I always do. The Actors were great and It was definitely apparent that someone put alot of thought into their sets this year. Two Favorite Rooms: Padded Room with Crazy Inmates and BBQ with the Hillbillies. The Lighting,Sound, Feel and Mood of the Mansion was right on point! Loved the Michael Myers at the end because usually a Haunted House is ALL Hollywood media or none at all and I loved the nod to traditional 80's Horror Movies without it being overbearing.Corn Maze - The corn maze was OK. The actors were good but there just wasn't much to look at or be scared by. Some random people in the corn jumping out and some animations that really need an overhaul. However all this did make up for it being under a moonlight sky in a corn field. You really do get the feeling of being in a Horror Movie when you hear nothing but your own footsteps so was it bad? Nah. was it Great? Nah. But I wouldn't say don't go. It was alot of fun.Experiment - We finished Corn Maze and went to Experiment last. It looked cool. I noticed they changed the outside which was a nice change. We waited in line for about 10 minutes until there was some sort of disturbance. Somebody was yelling on the side of the building and then the line stopped moving so we assumed they had closed or something happened. We decided to leave as whatever happened was still going as they were still yelling as we were walking to the parking lot. A little unprofessional on the attractions part.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2015

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    8 out of 10 found this review helpful

  • The best on LI every year!

    We went last night. It was so cold outside that not many people were there, and it was opening weekend. We had a great time! There are so many actors in the cornfield and haunted house! Some of them are really scary, and some of them are scary and make jokes. They had a legit looking Jason and Michael Myers. They were huge! Both scare me to death. The chainsaws in the cornfield were great because the corn is arranged in a circle, so when you think you're getting away, you're really just meeting them on the other side. We go to Schmitt's every year because we know we're going to be scared and have a great time. Definitely go!!!!!

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2015

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    7 out of 8 found this review helpful

  • Amazing

    This haunted house is the best experience! I love how they changed up the house this year. The asylum room was amazing, they had one girl in the wall! One of the new additions that I noticed was the hillbilly backyard, the actors were amazing. They had one really tall big guy back there carrying an axe, he some how slipped in between our group and scared the girls so bad! Overall had a great time and will be returning next year.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted November 2015

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    5 out of 5 found this review helpful

  • Great show!

    Had to get this in before Halloween was over.... Boy am I glad we went. The haunted house was the best. My friends were definitely very afraid but it takes a lot to scare me. Yet, there were a lot of moments where I genuinely jumped and screamed! I was surprised because I have been in haunted houses before and they did not really scare me. This place on the other hand is great! The effects were really cool too. The strobe lights made rooms very disorienting and people were always lurking in the dark. I could not believe how many characters there was! There were people coming from everywhere. Behind you, in front of you, next to you. And my favorite... clawing across the floor and jumping off the walls in one room. My friend fell to the floor in fear.. We laughed and screamed the whole way through and we will be back next year!!!

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2015

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    4 out of 4 found this review helpful

  • Don't miss it!

    Schmitt's is just one of the best. The attention to detail and the actors who love their jobs make this haunt the best around. There was such improvements to the Experiment this year, and the mansion and corn maze were impressive as always! There is a wait, but it's worth it. Dress warm if it's cold... weekends mean lines! Shout out especially to the asylum section... The girl hanging off the wall was awesome! The sets in the corn maze were great too... They really get into your face there! Haha.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2015

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    6 out of 6 found this review helpful

  • Lost its charm

    So I'm a HUGE haunted house fan and try to go to as many as possible each year. I took my friends here thinking I was going to get the same awesome experience I use to get coming here. To say the least I was under whelmed. The Cornmaze, major disappointment. For a Saturday night, all the actors should be in place and not huddled together texting and talking. I wanted to turn a corner and see someone jump out but it was a blank space in the corn, instead I had 3 guys following us blocking me from walking. They un decorated it. Where did the huts go and tight spaces? Then the Mansion. Thank God it was decent. Asylum room was the best, but some of the good scares were lost. If it wasn't for my friend jumping and screaming for every little thing, I would say It was a total waste. But you guys were better then this and I'm shocked. I love Schmitts but after this year It will take me some good convincing to come back. And I'm not the only one who noticed. Keep building and expanding because as a fan I want to see more. The Experience was ehhh.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2015

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    0 out of 7 found this review helpful

  • Impressed

    We went last night and had a blast! The attention to set detail was great and the props looked so real. The actors did a great job too!! The Haunted House was definitely the best. THe person climbing the wall in the asylum was dope. Only thing..The line was really long so I suggest coming earlier in the night.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2015

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    10 out of 10 found this review helpful

  • Triple Threat Sorta

    So my friend Matthew Dintraney and I went to Schmitts Farm's Haunted Mansion Of Melville Saturday Night. Mansion - I LOVED the Mansion as I always do. The Actors were great and It was definitely apparent that someone put alot of thought into their sets this year. Two Favorite Rooms: Padded Room with Crazy Inmates and BBQ with the Hillbillies. The Lighting,Sound, Feel and Mood of the Mansion was right on point! Loved the Michael Myers at the end because usually a Haunted House is ALL Hollywood media or none at all and I loved the nod to traditional 80's Horror Movies without it being overbearing.Corn Maze - The corn maze was OK. The actors were good but there just wasn't much to look at or be scared by. Some random people in the corn jumping out and some animations that really need an overhaul. However all this did make up for it being under a moonlight sky in a corn field. You really do get the feeling of being in a Horror Movie when you hear nothing but your own footsteps so was it bad? Nah. was it Great? Nah. But I wouldn't say don't go. It was alot of fun.Experiment - We finished Corn Maze and went to Experiment last. It looked cool. I noticed they changed the outside which was a nice change. We waited in line for about 10 minutes until there was some sort of disturbance. Somebody was yelling on the side of the building and then the line stopped moving so we assumed they had closed or something happened. We decided to leave as whatever happened was still going as they were still yelling as we were walking to the parking lot. A little unprofessional on the attractions part.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2015

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    8 out of 10 found this review helpful

  • The best on LI every year!

    We went last night. It was so cold outside that not many people were there, and it was opening weekend. We had a great time! There are so many actors in the cornfield and haunted house! Some of them are really scary, and some of them are scary and make jokes. They had a legit looking Jason and Michael Myers. They were huge! Both scare me to death. The chainsaws in the cornfield were great because the corn is arranged in a circle, so when you think you're getting away, you're really just meeting them on the other side. We go to Schmitt's every year because we know we're going to be scared and have a great time. Definitely go!!!!!

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2015

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    7 out of 8 found this review helpful

  • Scary!!!

    Very Scary!!! Made me Scream! I always come back, every year and still scares me everytime! Love it!

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted September 2015

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    4 out of 4 found this review helpful


    I loved this haunt and went twice with friends. I went with one friend the first time, had a blast, and had to go again with him and two other friends later that week. I truly think I enjoyed the Maze the most. Not to knock the house - that was great too! but the maze was by far the best to me! I got chased by this creepy clown in the maze and he had me screaming into the dark! Haha. The house had great sets from what I could see (my friends pushed me so fast that I didn't catch some of them) and the ending was awesome. Been wanting to catch a haunted house here on LI for a while now, and am grateful I picked this one. Can't wait to go back next year!!

    Posted November 2014

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    9 out of 9 found this review helpful

  • Good but I been to better.

    They get 3 pumpkins for creativity. It was more fun than scary. Two parts scared me, which is fair. The experiment was kinda a waste. The haunted house was fun and the corn maze was the best part because you did not know what to expect. Overall it was entertaining.

    Posted October 2014

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    0 out of 5 found this review helpful

  • Funny Night Out

    So originally we were going to go to Darkside but when we looked it up we saw how far out it was as we live in Babylon. We then came here and saw a Haunt in Melville.We went and man were the lines LONGGGGGGGG...BUT they were worth it!#1) The Haunted Mansion - VERY COOL! I loved the house. The actors were really full of energy and the decorations rocked. I really enjoyed the clown section. My friend Janet was screaming all the way through the hanging clowns. They definitely had a lot of dark spots so to say which scares me cause I'm afraid of the Dark. Pig guy got me really good. I LOVED the cemetery. Really well done and I think they had real vines or plants I couldn't tell. I enjoyed also enjoyed the rest of the themes (The Bloody Bathtub Room and the Meat Room).#2) The Corn Maze - This was OK. I enjoyed the outdoor maze which really gave me the feeling of the Harvest time of the year. The actors were OK. The animatronics got me more then the actors which says a lot but I won't knock it. The Maze still got me a few times :)#3) The Experiment - I was very weary about going in here and waiting on such a long line because of some of the Yelp reviews I've seen that said how horrible and stupid this was. All I can tell you is DON'T LISTEN TO THEM. We went in and what made me nervous is that there are no signs telling you what it is. I thought it was a Haunt but It's actually a show. You sit down and enjoy a movie that was pretty cool. It was definitely scary. They got wind of my friend Janets name and that was it. The Overhead Announcements were saying "Ebola Detected...Janet in second row" We were dying laughing from that point forward. Great job and we'll definitely be back next year.

    Posted October 2014

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    9 out of 10 found this review helpful


    I was there on Sat night and I had a great time. The corn maze was great and the mansion was worth the wait. The only thing I didn't like was the experiment. It was corny but at least I got to sit down and rest from all the standing around I did waiting on lines.

    Posted October 2014

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    5 out of 5 found this review helpful

  • Wasn't worth the money

    I've always heard good things about this place and finally went with my friends last night , but honestly I was disappointed about it. The maze was pretty cool but the mansion was a joke, mostly because the group in front of us was going so slow we caught up to them, so we saw a lot of the actors coming.

    Posted October 2014

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    0 out of 6 found this review helpful

  • Bang for your buck

    I went tonight with a friend, the mansion was the first thing we went into, it was good until we caught up to the people in front of us, and the people behind us caught up to all of us so it turned into one huge group. Next we went to The Experiment, it was kind of cool and unique, I didn't like my glasses getting squirted with water. The corn maze was last and by far the best part, I love the long walk through corn stalks. The actors all were great and I enjoyed my night at Schmitts.

    Posted October 2014

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    3 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • 2nd Times the Charm

    Hello Long Island,I went to the Haunted House last week and was very surprised. A Great Haunted House and a really good Corn maze. The Experiment was free and it was a really cool addition to the Haunt. Overall Enjoyed all three attractions and will be going back tonight.

    Posted October 2014

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    4 out of 4 found this review helpful

  • It was worth it

    Schmitt's daytime haunted mansion was creepy but fun.(I was too afraid to go in the nighttime one) The daytime one is okay for bringing kids.

    Posted October 2014

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    2 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • Fun time!

    Me and my brother went last night. All Three attractions were a great value for the Price.

    Posted October 2014

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    3 out of 5 found this review helpful

  • Overall Impressive Time!

    Went Last Night and got the Combo Pass. Was a good deal except for the Corn Maze. The Haunted Mansion was really cool! i hate clowns so man did I hate this haunt ;) The Experiment was very interesting. Definitely a new type of experience I enjoyed. The Corn Maze just wasn't scary but was a good effort. We were online for a little while but not to bad. They had some girl playing with Fire outside which was cool!!!!! cause it made the wait a little more enjoyable but then they had Justin Bieber playing? Loose the Pop Music it actually made waiting in your lines unbearable.

    Posted October 2014

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful


    Ok so this was a funny story but I went to the Haunted Mansion last night with my friends expecting another haunt just like Darkside or what not but we were surprised it was actually very good, But where my new took a turn was waiting on line for the experiment. I'm standing there reading signs about how I'm going to get wet? Touched? Loud Noises? Disturbing Images?! I was freaking out and then the time came when the Doctor came outside and let us in through the Door. I walked in and it was a makeshift laboratory! It was dirty and I don't know how they did it but it ACTUALLY SMELLED LIKE A HOSPITAL! I work in a hospital and I knew that smell right away! Now this was all good and I was expecting another walk through until I got into the Main chamber....A FULL STAGE SHOW! I couldn't believe it! Live theater mixed with Video! I couldn't believe how amazing the show was and reading the other post on here..YES! HOLD ON to your hats at the end of the show! This is a PURE GEM and should definitely be advertised more then it is!

    Posted October 2014

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    3 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • Change Up.

    Okay so I went Last week with my Brother and this week I took my Fiance. Went through all three attractions and I have to say everything was really tip top. Nice Change in the Experiment! Won't ruin it but man at the end of the show hold on to your hats or they may end up on the other side of the lab ;) Something else new was the inclusion of a Fire Performer! They had a girl twirling Balls of Fire outside the Mansion and they used American Horror Story Music which Made me smile :) It was very entertaining. Also my only complaint I really have to say is that the Mansion, Corn Maze and Experiment were all really good in creating atmosphere but I was waiting online for an hour to get into the Mansion listening to Miley Cryus? What is the deal with the Sweet 16 DJ? The Haunts were great but in all honesty I don't know if I would return to wait online for an hour and be blasted with Teenybopper shit.

    Posted October 2014

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Very impressed

    Really cool place. There was a fire performance,, creepy clowns, a crazy contortionist, a claustrophobic room, trippy lighting, and a lot more. My friends were really afraid in the pitch black maze. I won't spoil it .. go see for yourself! Experiment and Corn Maze were good but the mansion was really well executed.. Different scares for people with different fears!!

    Posted October 2014

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • wack

    WACK ! the corn maze was not scary at all and the experiment was boring ! just a videocmade no sense at all . The haunted house was the only good thing . dont recommend it to anyone .

    Posted October 2014

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    0 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • LOVE!


    Posted October 2014

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    2 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • Wonderfully devious!

    As a Haunt Reviewer I have been to Haunts Across the Country and I have to say I love The Haunted Mansion of Melville. I have traveled to a few other haunts this season (Chamber of Horrors, Darkside & Bayville Screampark) and I'm still a loyal fan of this haunt. Every year they change it up and I have never seen the same thing twice. The Corn Maze was Ok but it never really was great anyway so I'd give the Corn Maze 3 Pumpkins. The Experiment I'd give 5 Pumpkins. I loved the show and the effects were so much better then last year.Fantastic Haunt and thank you again for the memories!Regards,James Marsdena

    Posted October 2014

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • One of the Best

    I went to this Haunted House on Saturday and I don't know what the other guy who wrote "A bunch of kids just embarrassing themselves" was on but I loved every aspect of this Haunt. For me I personally loved the Experiment. I thought it was funny and the two actors I saw were throwing furniture across the stage and grabbed my girlfriends head to do an exam. It terrified the fuck out of her as they touch you. It was very HP Lovecraft for me anyway. As for the Haunt I enjoyed the rooms. I like old Dark Haunts, It adds to the feeling of the nostalgic haunts from the 80s. The cornmaze was good but yes I do agree that they let to many groups go to quickly and I too ran into the group in front of me. Overall great job guys I'll be back for Halloween.

    Posted October 2014

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Was OK

    I used to go every year. I feel like they don't change enough of their show. It is the same every time. Not the rooms exactly but the acting is always stale. Even with that experiment 4d theater, just a bunch of kids embarrassing themselves.

    Posted October 2014

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    0 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Such an awesome time!

    We did the corn maze first after going to another haunted house somewhere else that had a ton of fog. It was dark, it was scary, the actors were actually doing a great job. The only problem was that they didn't wait enough between groups so we kept running into another group of people that was quite large and all the scare was for the 7 year old they had with them. If I could have walked it alone it would have amplified the fear. The haunted mansion was a last minute decision and was so worth it. There's a part where you have to squeeze through this area and it's so scary. The rooms were decorated beautifully and just so well done. Go here!

    Posted October 2014

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  • Always a blast

    I love this Haunted House they update alot of the rooms each year so its always fresh. The actors are great and the atmosphere is always impressive. I loved the zombie getting his head blown off video btw. Only suggestion is check your walls for nails one of us got a small cut from feeling the walls to see where we were going. Overall amazing as always.

    Posted October 2014

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • The Start of something Great

    So I got a special treat this year. I got an exclusive behind the scenes tour of the Haunted Mansion of Melville. Not just the Haunted Mansion but also the Experiment. I will give a brief but complete synopsis of what I have seen in this tour. The Haunted Mansion - First off there are all new sets this year. I was really impressed with the level of difficulty of these sets. There is much detail to gaze over and the Rooms in my opinion are really good, I did not hit a point of dullness. Next was the sound and smell. I really enjoyed that the sets have a new added sense this year. They have Audio in almost every different room with soundscapes that fit each scene and they have some sort of smell sprays. It really makes the rooms feel authentic. Lot's of new animatronics this year as well as props, You can definitely tell they are amping it up for there 20th anniversary. Also they changed the facade and the one word I'll use to describe my favorite update...."Lightning" When you see it you'll know what I'm talking about, What a fantastic illusion. Now moving on to the Experiment. I saw the experiment last year and enjoyed it. I went with a group of people and a few of my freinds didn't like it but I think for the wrong reasons. They went into it looking to have the shit scared out of the and although the footage you are shown is definitely scary and disturbing the show with the actors made me laugh. I think this is something missing from the haunts today...Comedy in dark humor. Anyways they definitely gave it a major face lift. Lots of new props. Some new startles scares and a maze at the end this year. I only saw part of the show but I will tell you if you are faint of heart do not watch (It was great).All in all I can say I can't wait for opening night to see it all in action. Great Job Guys and Good Luck!

    Posted September 2014

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  • Great place to go for a good time at Halloween!

    I love this place so much! It's only $27 with the coupon off their website and you now get 3 Events! The Haunted Mansion, Corn Maze, and the new "Experiment"!The haunted mansion was amazing like it always is! Very well put together and fantastic actors! The corn maze is just creepy and fun walking in the dark maze, then you get scared at almost every corner! The experiment to me, honestly was great! You really need to enjoy horror movies and allow yourself to have an open mind. It was like being inside a movie, like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The actors were great and I loved it!Way to go everyone at Schmitt's Farm! =DJimmy

    Posted October 2013

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  • Pricey but a great Halloween Haunt!

    It is on the expensive side but the actors are great. Would recommend this to anybody who wants a good scare.

    Posted October 2013

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  • the corn maze was awesome. the house was unreal. i would do it again. i will and am gonna recommend this to anyone well worth the $30. the experiment was good too

    Posted October 2013

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  • Great haunted mansion and corn maze. The mansion is a Very good length

    Posted October 2013

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  • Haunted Attractions Done Right!

    I have been going to the Haunted Mansion Of Melville now for 3 years. The past two years have been good but not great. I went last night and all I have to say is this year they blew my mind.Being a Haunted Attraction Critic I travel to numerous Haunts across the Country and write review for my website. I reside on Long Island and the Haunts here have always held a special place in my heart. The Haunted Mansion Of Melville - The Mansion itself was really well done. There was alot to look at in terms of scenery and some of the rooms were very inventive with the way they used the lights. The living room which was just lit with TV white snow was very inventive. There was a guy with an axe who was pacing when I walked in but what got me was the creepy doll in the corner just staring. I liked that it wasn't just people screaming in your face. Now the Dining room I guess it was was a cool use of a chair but the kitchen needed work. There were other rooms in the house that were good but the two that caught me off guard were the Butcher room where they had this big guy who looked like Paul Bunyan and I guess it was either the Attic or Basement but there was stuff EVERYWHERE and there was this devil type creature that got me good. The house over all was very well done just some of the Actors needed a boost as they seemed to lack the energy that I was waiting for.The Haunted Corn Maze -I went into the Corn Maze which I personally love because to me Corn Mazes are one of the best parts of Halloween. The Actors were OK. There were some GREAT animatronic type of scares. Overall I enjoyed the experience and would recommend doing the Combo Pass as I felt it was worth the money.The Experiment -Now this I was VERY hesitant to enter. It was a smaller type of attraction and I didn't know what to expect. I saw the one bad review on here and was expecting to see the same thing. BOY WAS I WRONG! I entered the attraction into this dark and musty quarantined room where we waited to see the show. It was simple but I'd have to say I liked it. We entered the show and sat down. I don't know if the two actors I saw were the same two that they other reviewer on this site saw but I DOUBT IT! These two actors were fantastic. I was in a little bit of a rowdy group and we were a big crowd and yet I found my self cheering when the "Doctor" came out as he didn't have a name like he was a celebrity. There was a cool feel about the show. They did there skit which was cool and then came the movie. I loved it. I got pumbled with bugs, Rained on, Spit on and I have never seen so much fog in my life. The Show is a definite must see on the Island. All in all I congratulate the cast and crew for a job well done. Next week I'm off to Darkside and the Bayville Screampark

    Posted October 2013

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    HOUSE IS THE ONLY WORTH WHILE THING. CORN MAZE IS NOTHING TO REMEMBER. STAY AWAY FROM EXPERIMENT THING. ITs really stupid, you sit on a bench with everyone and observe two idiot actors that dont amuse me at all. THey make you watch stupid video that is suppose to scare you. Really dumb. Maybe good for a 9 year olds.

    Posted October 2013

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    Posted October 2013

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  • Once you clown you never frown

    (With my evil scowl & smirk) I am that absolutely large clown In the clown room. All these reviews are pretty accurate. We really do enjoy every night the house is open. I'm sure I canSpeak on behalf of us all, thank you for the support. Glad everyone has enjoyed the efforts put forth by many night and day. Come one, come all for this is a major weekend to spook you all!!! Scare you there ya yellow bellied, lily livered, scardy cats.

    Posted October 2012

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  • Long wait, but worth it!

    Went with 3 friends last night and had a blast! The corn maze was very creepy, and I really liked the fact that there were periods of time where you keep expecting something to jump out, but nothing happens; you just walked in the dark through the fields and heard the wind blowing the corn...very intense! For the house, I appreciated the guy with the chainsaw walking around through the lines and scaring people, definitely made the wait entertaining :) And the house itself was pretty scary as well, though I was definitely more afraid in the corn maze. Great job Schmitt's!

    Posted October 2012

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  • Awesome

    Me and my friends loved this place. The line wasn't to long to get in, which is perfect. The first part of the house is super disorienting. You literally don't know where to go. People pop out from everywhere. They even go I their hands and knees to scare you. The clowns are obnoxious and scary just the way they should be. One was absolutely huge, a group of 7 of us tried to push through him and we just stood still. You don't know who's real or fake in there either. Santa is hot. Awesome house

    Posted October 2012

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  • Awesome!!!!!!

    At first, i was supposed to go to Bayville, but my mom said it was too expensive, so we decided on this. However, I went with my friends, and it was the BEST! We didn't have to wait too long because we went a little early, and the attractions were amazing. The mansion was super scary, but not enough to make it bad, just scary enough that i was screaming but having fun. The corn maze wasn't as scary, but I still LOVE IT. This is great, and I cant wait to go back next year!

    Posted October 2012

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  • OMG

    The house has always been good but this year was awesome..... they really switched it up with their rooms and stuff. There aren't many houses on the island that can get so gory and still have some of the funniest actors. We were all laughing in shocking one minute to be screaming in the next. They never fail to disappoint are are worth the long line even with the obnoxious kids surrounding you. Can't wait to see what they have in store for next year.

    Posted October 2012

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  • Outstanding

    This place is fabulous! I go there every year and every year they change it up. This year is over the top. So many new designs and surprises. The bathroom is a trip and the woman in there was a hit with me and my friends. It can not be easy to be creepy and so infectiously funny at the same time, but she is. Kudos to the whole cast!!! The whole house is full of fabulous actors who are much better than their competition. Schmitts always delivers! Best bang for your buck!!

    Posted October 2012

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  • definitely will come bk

    it was awesome....the maze and the mansion both were great..fun and scary

    Posted October 2012

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  • Never Diasappoints!!!! Loved it

    I come here every year with my friends for our annual "Fright Night". I love coming here because no matter what they deliver the scares!!! Mad props to the cornmaze this year!! The snakes really freaked me out!! 2nd best scare was the beginning in the mansion. Not knowing where you are going in the dark psychologically messes with your brain. especially with the other elements added to the dark!!! Amazing!! some actors were really good!! Love seeing the new changes every year!! Keep changing it up!! thats why I continue to come back year after year!!

    Posted October 2012

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  • Always loved this haunt, stepped the game up!

    This house has always been good, and it is always different each year. This year is the best they have had IMO, great looking rooms and the scares are great. Corn maze is ok, but this review is for the mansion. Great job this year!

    Posted October 2012

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  • Absolutely fantastic!

    By far on Long Island this is my favorite haunted attraction! I love the way they changed it up this year from last year, the house seems longer and the actors are at the top of their game. The girl and guy in the plastic room had my friends running and screaming and the graveyard was fantastic! I love the Christmas room and the bathroom with the holographic bugs, I won't give much else away but you guys blew my mind with your use of high quality impressive props and sets as well as very scary actors who obviously love their jobs. Great job! I will be coming back with all my friends very soon! ^.^

    Posted October 2012

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  • Wow

    Well I gotta say they definitely stepped it up this year... I give much credit to them for always trying new things and arrangements every year. Was very surprised to see the changes and they were well worthwhile. For an opening weekend they did an awesome job and I look forward to coming back towards the end of the month again with different friends. Great haunt as always!

    Posted October 2012

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  • Improvement from 2011!

    Much improved over 2011 was the corn maze. I've always enjoyed the mansion. Not the scariest but pretty darn good!

    Posted October 2012

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  • New and Improved is the rumor???

    Heard rumors that they really stepped it up at this haunt this year. Can't wait to go check it out, me and my friends go every year and we love it!!! Always a good scare around every corner .... Happy Halloween

    Posted September 2012

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  • a good night out

    this is a really nice friday night out with my friends. first let me say that my friends are in the 25-35 age range, we wanted something to do after work on friday. we came to the park there was ample parking. paid 20 bucks wach with the discount. we went to the haunted house first. the wait wasnt so bad at 830pm. the house was good as u walked thru. some actors took there jobs more serious than others that just stood there. there is a dark tunnel very scary. got squirted on with water. the inside is set up with good mechanical and spooky creations and some rooms were so cheesy just stuffed animals on the walls. i wont be doing this park again as u already know what to expect. if u are a fun person and enjoy company this is a good thing to do during the halloween time. there were food carts outside. the corn maze was a clear defined path no getting lost. people were hiding in the bushes and chain saw men. i picked a corn dont tell them. lol. after words we went to eat and have drinks. nice night out it was 46 degrees. u go to these places for fun laughs and a little scared. dont be so serious this place was good. first timer

    Posted October 2011

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  • Awesome

    I've been to many and this house and maze is definitely the best..The corn maze guys are fantastic as well is the house..

    Posted October 2011

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    I went here once in 2009 and again in 2011, and this is an excellent attraction. You really get your money's worth. The haunted house is spectacular and they really added some great new stuff this year. Plenty of genuine scares and convincing actors. The corn maze is FANTASTIC, you can't see anyone hiding so the frights are plentiful. This one is a MUST for Long Islanders

    Posted October 2011

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  • Deffinetly worth it

    I loved it. I think the best part was the corn maze. It was worth the short wait on line and i deff got my moneys worth. The actors were SO great and the feel was overall just perfect.

    Posted October 2011

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  • Excellent as always

    After having such a let down from the last haunted house we went to... we turned to old faithful the HAUNTED MANSION OF MELVILLE and it was great as always. I love that theres a lot of actors all in different roles and how the house changes every year. i went through thinking i knew what was gonna happen next and ended up screaming cause i got the cr@p scared outta me.

    Posted October 2011

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  • I go every year!

    Every year I go! It's a great time and worth the price. The haunted house is very well done and the actors do their jobs very well. Parking it a bit annoying but worth it. I would highly suggest this haunted house. Just a bit of advice, don't go with in the last hour-half hour before closing, we've been RUDELY turned away before.

    Posted October 2011

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  • Are Haunts Holding Back?

    Is it my imagination or are haunts holding back this year? Could it be the sour economy has even "infected" the way these haunt owners prepared for this years Halloween Season? I think so! I've been to several of the larger haunts and so far I've been disappointed but interestingly enough the haunt admission prices are still climbing! It seems there are less actors and less effort put into really scaring the patrons. Could it be the mind set of, "well, we're probably going to have a quiet season due to the economy so the hell with it... let's just put up the haunt as quick and cost effectively as possible and let's grab hold of whatever dollars we can". I can certainly appreciate cutting costs due to the economy but then you're going to have to revisit your admission prices and ask yourselves if you're providing your patron a FAIR experience considering the pricey ticket prices. There should've certainly been a better coupon available for this haunt this year. It was not worth the $23 plus $3 off coupon on SOME nights! The cornmaze is fun but it's only because the cornstalks are scary already and the walk is nice. However, the house was frumpy. The people in the quarters up front were stale and they were just sitting around including some guy in a hooded sweater who was obviously there just to talk to the 2 girls in there. 1 of them just sat there while the other one who was there last year too with glasses did all the talking. She's always cool. The house itself needs work but I shouldn't be smelling fresh paint expressing a half ass job in the neon rooms. Also, when you shift from room to room I should not be seeing between hallways to view your working tools and ladders. This spoils the fun of pretending you've just entered a haunted house!!!! Also, there was an awesome character sitting at the end of a hall sitting in a chair with a white dress and frightening face. She gave me serious chills as I approached her but this was then DESTROYED when some older man walked in front of her (someone who obviously worked there or may have even been the owner) and just walked passed us as he was checking out the sets. TERRIBLE!!! I paid money for this and you think it's okay to just walk through the house during my PAID time. Are you that dumb??!!! At least act like a monster and creep us out fool!!! But back to the girl... she was SCARY!!! Great Job!! All in all everyone LISTEN when I tell you this haunt is NOT worth the money this year. Last year was definitely BETTER!!! If you give them your money and you're disappointed you can not say I didn't WARN YOU!!! So far this year, the best haunt has certainly been LiFearFests CARN-EVIL!. Don't even go there... I do not work for them... NICE TRY! I'm just calling out the TRUTH!!! On a positive note... the Schmitt haunt certainly has the ability to be great as they were last year. If you're going to stay in the haunt business during these hard economic times and still want your $23 then you have to continue to put your heart into it and do your damn best to deserve it! Otherwise, you're simply not playing FAIR in the game.

    Posted October 2011

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  • Pretty good.

    Went with about 12 of my friends this weekend, and I have to say it was pretty good. We did the $20 for the corn maze and the haunted house deal, which was a tiny bit overpriced, but very fun nonetheless.A couple complaints. One, there is absolutely no area to hang out in after you finished and just wanted to relax and eat. There was literally the haunted house, the corn maze, food vendor, and then some portapotties. Hotdogs and pretzels were $2.50 each. Cornmaze wasnā€™t a maze, just a straight path through it til you reached the end.Something odd was that thereā€™s a section in the haunted house that was completely pitch-black so we used our cellphones to light our way through. I found this odd because I had no idea how they expected people without a light to find their way through safely.

    Posted October 2011

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  • Awesome!

    I went to the Corn Maze for the first time this year and it was awesome! I didn't expect any of the things that happened, and everyone was really scary. Definitely a great Haunted Corn Maze!

    Posted October 2011

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  • Hood Time! 10/8/11

    We took the Grandkids ages 10-12 to Schmitt's Farm last night. The lines were long but it moved fast. The Corn maze was fun, not so scary, Mosters pop out along the walk and props are everywhere. popping up scareing you when you least expect it. I wont say when the best part comes in , I will leave that for your imagination! Haunted House was awesome! I liked thisHaunted House better than Bayville!

    Posted October 2011

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  • Amazing... as always!!

    Cornmaze...... AMAZING just when you thought it was over... nope. it was longer,scarier and the best it ever was. a little disappointed with the house but alot of great new elements and scares that really got me and the fact that you guys improve every year is such a good thing. keep it up and cant wait to go back next year.

    Posted October 2011

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  • love this haunted house go every year..love how they change it up year after year...can't wait to go

    Posted September 2011

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  • My favorite house every year!

    I go to a lot of the houses on the island, and this remains my favorite... Ive read some reviews and saw that people didn't pop out at them, but that has never been the case for me and i have gone for 6 years now. Maybe it was later in the year when it is really busy, because one year i went the week of Halloween and i kept catching up to the group in front of me, they did still try to get me though. I usually do the second week of the season so it isn't too busy to beat the lines which i plan to do again this year!.

    Posted September 2011

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  • The Best Ever!

    I would recommend this to those that can take a good scare.....

    Posted September 2010

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  • cornmaze back in 07

    this review is for when i went two years ago in 07 lol. i only went in the corn maze. i have to say i was scared of haunted houses back then and they did a good job. the second i walked in crying a guy with a chainsaw jumped out right away. i hated chainsaws ever since. the whole thing was amazing. the dark corn maze, no music, surprising fx and getting lost. the way they jumped out was fun cuz u didnt expect it. the little huts were great, dark and smoky. the ending when they chased you out was the best scare. good job back then i hope to go in 2010 and do the mansion.

    Posted November 2009

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  • lil migs

    I have to say.. Last night was the best night to ever go especially in a rainy day. It comes out be a real scare especially that dude with the chainsaw.. I didn't even know it it real o.o lmao woo Nice 8-) best Haunted Mansion ever

    Posted November 2009

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  • funnnn

    the haunted house was better than the corn maze but both were super fun and really scary

    Posted October 2009

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  • Just OK

    I got there at 10:00. there was absolutely no wait, which was great, but overall the place was a letdown. There's no real atmosphere when you first arrive, except for some really cheap bright orange signs that say "Haunted Mansion." The corn maze looked cool, but there's no music and no real set design to be found. The mansion seemed pretty long and had an interesting claustrophobia tunnel (won't give it away, but its a cool effect) and even though there was more detail, the props didn't look all that great. I noticed lots of cheap body parts that anyone could pick up in party city scattered throughout the haunt. Also there's not that many animatronics... I counted 3 that I can remember. And half the actors weren't into there roles. They would jump out without screaming or saying anything. It was fun, but absolutely not worth $23

    Posted October 2009

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  • yeah baby!!!

    I love this haunted house. Its great. Make sure you take the time to make out with your girl during walkthrough. Also - the kitchen needs to be remodeled, but I liked the look of the bathrooms and definitely good closet space. Im gonna put in an offer at 1.2 mil! I am pre approved for a 900k mortgage, cause I make mad money - yeababy! I can't wait to pwn this haunted mansion!

    Posted October 2009

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  • The Best!!

    i went to Schmitt's for 2 years in a row and it is the best every year. my sis got cut by one of the chainsaw guys LMFAO. Schmitt haunted house fans should try Bayville Scream Park. Thats scary. both are fun

    Posted July 2009

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  • Definitely worth seeing

    I went to this house with my wife. She had never been to a haunted house before. Both of us were not sure how good or bad the visit will turn out.There were a group of people ahead of us, which made it less scary for us. Otherwise there were definitely enough actors hiding in the dark spaces to shock you every once in a while.Some of the best things about the house was a narrow space that you had to walk through "side ways". It was like walking between 2 walls that had a very tight gap between them. People who have fear of small spaces will really be scared by this. There was also a room that had a few dozen rubber heads hanging off of the wall. It wasn't scary to go through it but you could tell someone really put some effort into it.I would definitely recommend going there once. It's not recommended for small kids.

    Posted October 2008

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  • ahhhhh

    this hanuted corn maze was mad scary.....there were people running after me and scaring me.....i was scared to death..the chainsaw guys were always chasing you..and there was this lady which was freaky..i give it 5 thunps up

    Posted October 2008

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  • If there was a way to put NO BATS i would

    sorry, i've been to many haunted houses and there were way to many black halls and terrible use of so much space. NO ACTORS, just people with masks saying boo or come here little girl, nothing original. one or 2 clever rooms like the spinning one and the grave. when leaving, the chainsaw guy wuz supposed to chase us but was chatting with friends and the corn maze was terrible, the chainsaw guy didn't even have a mask. cmon you have so much space, USE IT TO UR ADVANTAGE! don't go here not worht it.

    Posted October 2008

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  • its pretty good.

    yeah i went tonight (10/18/08) ii thoughtt it was good but not likee amazingg. me and my friends went, we went to the haunted house firstt, i would say in my opinion it was pretty good but not like pissing my pants terrifyingg loll; but my friends were pretty scared like this onje clown cornered my friend and like the guy with the chainsaw was rele good, he scared me haa. the cornmazee wass goodd likee alotta ppl jump out at you and like if your rele scared they dont stop following you. goo its prettyy goodd, butt i thiink its a pretty good scareee :]

    Posted October 2008

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    This was the first haunted house i have ever been to. The lines were pretty long I waited 15 mins for tickets and another 15 mins to get into the haunted house. But there wasnt anything TOO scary about it. I only got scared a couple if times. I guess it depends on your tolerance.

    Posted October 2008

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  • great

    This is my second year going and this one is still one of my favorites. The lines ar a little long but usually move quick. The prices are good compared to all the other one where you would pay 30 dollars just for a haunted house with this you pay 22 and get a haunted house and a corn maze.

    Posted October 2008

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  • From Behind The Make-up

    I can tell you this, being one of the actors for a long time, Schmittfarm's the longest and scariest. I've made people pee themselves (literally) and on the rare occassion have someone vomit. Over the past 2 years, we have doubled our actor count and to the laast comment... If I see you covering your eyes or falling to the floor, YOU'RE MINE!!!! I hope everyone enjoyed it this past season and I look forward to scaring you all next year.

    Posted November 2007

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  • awesome!!

    this was better then darkside i think. it had more n was definitely worth the money!!!

    Posted October 2007

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  • Another great scary year

    I have been going to Schmitt's Farm's haunted house going on 10 years now...every year it manages to change and create a better scare than the year before. Where they get the ideas to make these changes is beyond me! Keep up the good work! I can't wait till next year!

    Posted October 2007

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  • It's alright

    I've gone two years in a row and frankly that's it. The lines are insanely long and the price is high. They didn't bother to make any changes so it was kinda boring the second time around which is a shame.

    Posted October 2007

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  • So Scary!

    the haunted mansion was soo scary, nothing corny about it... everybody inside did such a great job, they pop out of everywhere! but the haunted corn maze ... holy crap even better.. SO MUCH FUN! (definitly worth the 1hour line i waited on!)

    Posted October 2007

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  • Taken aback

    I can only give it 3 bats since my focus was mainly on the person I was with being scared. I was laughing too hard and I guess being that I'm a big person, no one really tried to scare me. I did enjoy myself though. The Corn maze was very nice. With that being said... I was a bit disturbed by the stuffed person hanging from the tree at the right of the entrance to the haunted house and by the hanging scene inside the corn maze. In light of recent events taking place all over I found this to be a bit insensitive. I also fail to see the connection between a person hanging by a noose and a haunted house. A person hanging from a meat hook, yes but this, no. So although I did enjoy myself, I will not bring my kids or recommend this to any of my friends unless these things are removed or changed.

    Posted October 2007

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  • Lots of Fun, but Go Early/Late

    The Haunted Corn maze was lots of fun -- some excellent planned scares in there. The House was also enjoyable. The lines were huge -- the line for the tickets alone was quite a wait, then you had to get onto two equally long lines for the two attractions. They are worth it, but either go around 7pm to try and beat the lines or head in towards the end, so at the very least the ticket line is all but gone.

    Posted October 2007

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  • Oops.. I lost my contact lens

    ^^That just proves how fun/scary it was. I was squeezing my eyes shut at one point, and it popped out.. oops. This is the best haunted house i've been to! I thought the rooms were amazing and so creative! It was pretty long. Longer than I expected! I'm not sure if we were supposed to squeeze through that wall at one point.. My advice: WATCH WHERE YOU STEP! There are some steep ramps up hill and down. And if you're really scared, don't act it. They will just go more into your face. If they see you are covering your eyes, they will make it even worse and growl. Fun from VERY begining, to the very very end.. Yupp, no joke.

    Posted October 2007

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  • holy crap

    they put chainsaws so close to my leg i was freakin out it was aweosme

    Posted October 2007

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  • GREAT!!!!!!!!!!

    It was the best haunted house i have been to.

    Posted October 2007

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  • dont go here waist of money$

    i went on a saturday with my anut,cousin,and mom the corn maze was so good and scracy the haunted house oh my god it was so dumb no one poped out at me i walked through not one thing we waited on that line an hour and was not worth it the thing that scared me in there was when you had to go through a tunnel but there was very little space to get through i dont like tight spaces i freak out please if yu live far or even close dont go here it sucked

    Posted October 2007

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    I go to many halloween haunts from PA to Upstate. I like this one very much but one must arrive early(before 7 pm) to appreciate it rather than get frustrated from the extreme lines

    Posted October 2007

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  • spooky

    the corn maze isnt the greatest although it was ten times better than it was last year..... the house as always was awesome. they changed every room and it seemed like it took forever to get out!!! definately worth it. I cant wait to see what it looks like next year!

    Posted October 2007

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  • good

    attraction is good but need security guards outside that look for potential trouble not wait for it to happen. my wife and I and five other couples visit about 8 haunted attractions a year. this is the only one ( past three years ) we almost got into a fight or had to call security and advise them of a problem in the line. wake up security!!! I'm tired of duing your job

    Posted October 2007

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  • Scary

    I have been to this haunted house for a few years now and let me tell you it's one of the best and just gets better every yr! If you have an opportunity, go through the corn maze (very scary). Enjoy!

    Posted October 2007

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  • Absolutly Amazing!

    every year i go haunted houses all over long island, and this one is by far the scariest. they made all the boys go before the girls, and being a girl, it scared me even more. if you're looking to get scared out of your mind and have a good time..go here!

    Posted September 2007

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  • ehhhh...

    its alright i guess ive been there 2 yrs in a row they need to create a new setup..its like i knew exactly what to expect.

    Posted September 2007

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  • I fell cause i was so scared!

    it was so fun me and my frends were rnning and screaming i cant wait to go again sooo much fun!

    Posted August 2007

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  • Awesome!!

    I thought the line was a little long but they played Young Frankenstein on this big screen outside and it made time go by.I thought the house was pretty good but they need more actors to act. I thought the lady who plays Mrs. Bates was scary!

    Posted July 2007

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  • amazing

    lmfao loved the corn maze, was terrifying im surprised i didnt pee my pants when practically ran into a chainsaw guy, but i'd go again :)

    Posted May 2007

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    the haunted house was soooo scary! i was screaming my brain outtt!!!! I say go to the corn maze FIRST because the vorn maze isn't that scary but ther haunted house is OUTRAGEOUS!

    Posted March 2007

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  • GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    hello this is the best haunted house i have been to, i was there with my three kids and from nowhere came this colored woman crying and screaming she pushed my kids on the ground.just to get out and she all she kept on saying feet don't fail me now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Posted October 2006

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  • Absolutely great!!!!

    Worth the inexpensive admission and the wait on line!!!! Must go and get scared!!! Best yet this year!!!!

    Posted October 2006

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  • The Best!!!

    my friends and i went to the haunted house and waited on the lines for about 2 1/2 hours! i didn't think that it wuold be worth th wait but it was! I would STRONGLY suggest that you go to tthis hanted house because it is just SO much fun!! you're almost GUARANTEED to enjoy it!!! It's the greatest thrill you'll have all year!!!!!!!!!!

    Posted October 2006

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  • it was boring

    it was boring and it was a waste of money.the corn maze was not even scary.

    Posted October 2006

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  • i broke a fence...

    this one was awesome!! i think it was the scariest one in the whole world!!! i peed my pants down to my ankles. i even broke a fence in the beginning when they were hovering over my friend and i with a chainsaw deff go

    Posted October 2006

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  • OK

    IT was ok, more fun than scary but i think its worth the wait and the money, it was great! maybe its because i work in a haunted house that it didnt scare me but it was really good

    Posted October 2006

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  • Awesome!

    Very scary and well worth it to do both the corn maze and haunted house!

    Posted October 2006

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  • BallsDeep

    the first room is an optical illusion and you think it is spinning. it is sick.

    Posted October 2006

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  • Scmidt farm

    This haunted house is the best that i have been to yet!~ Ive been going for the past 3 years and it gets better and better every year!! def a good price!!

    Posted October 2006

    Was this review helpful? YES NO

F&W Schmitt Farms Haunted Mansion & Nighttime Haunted Maze
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