
Chandler Estate - Mount Sinai NY Real Haunted Place

  • North Country Road
  • Mount Sinai, NY
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Also known as “Satan’s Trails,” Chandler Estate was originally a resort overlooking Mt. Sinai Harbor that hosted the likes of Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller; it was subsequently an apartment complex. The complex eventually closed, caught fire, and burned down, leaving only a slim foundation behind. Today a great deal of brush and overgrowth covers the former resort.

Since the fire, the location has been rumored to play host to a variety of cult activities and satanic rituals. Some claim that the rituals include attempts to summon a creature named The Whacker; others say they have witnessed the spirit of Marilyn Monroe. Others still say it was once the home to the locally famous ghost, Mary. Visitors report feelings of uneasiness on the grounds, with some people feeling as though they are being watched.
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  • I was born here in 1976!

    My parents only had fond memories of Mrs Chandler and I was born here. I wonder if anyone remembers us? I went back around age 6 and the house was still standing but no sign of Mrs. Chandler. I went back in 2022 and no sign of the house.

    Posted 1/7/25

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  • Shocking experience

    A group of us went there in the summer of 72 ish… we lived nearby and we explored all around Mt Sinai. They actually used to have Fox hunts across. The large open meadow…. I digress… anyway we went to the main house and some people went inside, I was too scared but went to look in the basement window. There were cars parked I bumper to bumper and side to side, so weird. I’m sure there were doors that allowed them to be driven in but why and who did it??? It was a creepy place for sure

    Posted 2/20/24

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  • Metal Detecting

    Hiked up a hill alittle over a week ago on the pipe stave hollow road side. When I reached the top i found a old stoop which i thought was from a old house. I Started metal detecting around the stoop and i got a strong signal some call it a hit. I put my metal detector on the ground and when i grabbed my shovel to start digging my metal detector pushed back hard against me. I Jumped up and grabbed my stuff and ran down the hill almost tripping and falling down the hill. Something grabbed my metal detector and shoved it against me it was completely insane! Something didnt want me he there.

    Posted 9/30/22

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  • I lived there in the 70's.

    I loved living there, because it was like off the grid in a way. no 'normal' people lived there, which was a relief from banality. the dirt roads, the cheapest rent on earth, the eccentric people and the view from my window of beautiful sunsets over Cedar Beach. Mrs, Chandler was pretty cool and not a ball buster. I used to love exploring the trails, and being alone. when we had that blizzard in 1978 we were all snowed in, so we formed a group and walked out and to a general store, got supplies then got back and partied like a tribe. the cops never came by in all those years.

    Posted 8/22/22

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  • The Chandler Estate

    I live at the large house next to the main house from 1975-1976. A very special, spiritual place indeed. Mrs Chandler was such a nice, hard working lady. Many stories to tell of that magical place!

    Posted 7/13/22

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    2 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • Pine Lodge Chandler Estate hauntings

    I lived in Pine Lodge in the 70s. I have had many experiences all my life with spirits in different houses but never revealed. However, 5 of us lived together. We all saw things. Furniture moved, windows swinging open and closed, water faucets turning on. Mrs Chandler would walk the grounds at night w/ her dog Smokey calling for her deceased husband Ernest and told us they would meet. We would see people walking down the dirt road at night and go look for them but they would disappear. Sometimes we would see a shape in the house and ask others to point where- all would point to the same spot. One night one of the group ran out of his room after waking up with an old women sitting on his bed. Once, after seeing a shape in the house he asked the spirit for a "sign" - the water faucet in the sink in his bedroom turned on. First time my GF visited she said someone was looking at her from the second floor balcony that looked over the living room - we were the only ones in the house. I had to A friend would come to visit but his dog would not come in the house- slept outside. Another house was called Swiss Lodge ( a Swiss group rented it every Summer) they never mentioned ghosts until we brought it up - they had the same experiences. During a party, a guest said she was a medium and was asked to go to one room as things were seen there often , a dark shape. She sat in the room and after about 5 minutes ran out of the house. I don't believe there was evil, just spirits, but according to Mrs Chandler we were the first group to live in the house that didn't leave because of fights and people claiming things were stolen by housemates. Mrs Chandler said it was because we were good people, helped her and Ernest and the "others" liked us. I didn't know of the M.Monroe stories, but in the kitchen with Mrs Chandler one day, I took a plate from the cupboard (many furnishings came w the house) and said "For some crazy reason I just thought of Marilyn Monroe and Jerry Lewis!" Mrs C said: "oh, they probably used that plate, they were some of the people that stayed here" - there's a lot more.

    Posted 11/11/21

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    3 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • good times

    The former estate was divided into several cabins and, for a time, rented as cheap housing mainly towards SUNY students and some faculty. Some epic parties happened there in the 1990s. Guitarist Ritchie Blackmore sometimes dropped by. Rumors of the supernatural did persist, but I never witnessed anything, just people trying to live life and have a great time. RIP Dave. I see you got the site's preserve status to stick after all.

    Posted 8/7/21

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  • Lived there many years. . . A special place

    Liked spooking the kids in the woods - so maybe I was source of some of the legends ** he he ** Always did feel a bit magical, especially at night. Something about the place feels very, very old, and lived in.

    Posted 9/12/19

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  • The Witch of the Chandler Estate

    I lived in the old mansion back in the 1970s when I attended Stony Brook. One night on a full moon in October, I came home after dark one night. It was a long walk down the dirt road behind the church on main road, around the cemetary. When I reached the house, there was a beautiful blond dressed from head tofoot in black, reading incantataions aloud. The elderly landlady lived immeadiately above, and she was reported to have been terrified. Even I was shaken. The next day an ambulance arrived to take her away to a psychiatric hospiltal, but she was no where to be found.

    Posted 5/31/19

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    7 out of 7 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 12/21/2015 (3386 days ago)

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