
Lakes Haunted by Ghosts in Long Island

Since the beginning of time, man has been haunted by the thoughts of what lies beneath the depths of deep lakes, and eerily dark waters. Here in Long Island, it's no different - during the day, the shore might be a fun place to enjoy the day, but once the sun sets, what was once a beautiful lakefront view takes on a more sinister look - it's impossible to know just what creatures or monsters are hovering right below the surface. There are plenty of local legends to go along with Long Island's Haunted Lakes as well - many believe that trapped spirits of those who met a tragic end lurk about Long Island's most famous lakes at night - are you brave enough to find out for yourself?
  • Laurel Lake Laurel, NY
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    Covering 30 acres and reaching 47 feet deep, Laurel Lake is one of the clearest bodies of water on Long Island. It is also said to be haunted by the spirit of an old man. At one point there was a campground near the lake; the site is mostly rubble now, but it is said the spirit of an old man who once lived there still lurks about the woods. Visitors have reported hearing footsteps and... Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Lakes & Waterways

  • Lake Ronkonkoma Lake Ronkonkoma, NY
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    As Long Island’s largest lake, Lake Ronkonkoma could already be a nightmare for those with hydrophobia, but something much creepier than deep waters can be found here. Multiple ghost stories are centered on the lake, including sightings of strange ice skaters on top of the lake. The skaters may seem normal at first, but a closer look will reveal they are all dressed in older-styled... Read More

    Categories: Real Haunted Lakes & Waterways

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